Saturday, August 28, 2010

Are we there yet?


We are on the last leg of our pre-travel journey.  Our Article 5 was picked up on Thursday from the Consulate and sent to the CCAA.  CCAA will process our paperwork and issue travel approval within 2-5 weeks (this is the agency's guess).  I have seen people receive TA very quickly, and very slowly.   The average waiting time from Article 5 to TA on the China Adopt Talk forum is 14 days.  That means that some people are actually receiving notice in less than two weeks (fingers crossed people).  There are a ton of closures and events coming up in China from the end of September through November.  We're hoping to avoid those!  I'll post the dates well as lot so of other info.  Just remember, PLEASE cross your fingers that we get a speedy TA!!!!!  PLEASSSSE!


Christy and Kevin

We are praying for you to get your TA soon! I wish we were going at the same time. Remember we will try our best to sneak a picture of Sophie for you guys if we get to go to the orphanage. Our tentative orphanage visit is Sept. 15th.


Your little girl is super cute...Congrats to you!!